September 30 – Oktober 2nd
Congress Park Hanau

Feel free to contact us at partner@sqlkonferenz.de
Gold Partner

Redgate’s portfolio of solutions helps organizations reliably solve the complex challenges of database management across the DevOps lifecycle on any database, any platform, anywhere.
More than 200,000 companies globally, including 92% of the Fortune 100, trust Redgate to deliver ingeniously simple software.

b.telligent Group Holding GmbH
b.telligent is a technology-independent consultancy specializing in analytics and data management. With over 300 employees at ten locations in Germany, Austria, Romania and Switzerland, b.telligent supports companies in all projectphases, from strategy and analysis, to design and implementation, right through to operational management and continued development of the solution.
The company’s services are focused on the optimization of business processes and customer/supplier relationships. In 2022 – for the seventh time – the business magazine brandeins Wissen voted b.telligent one of Germany’s best consultants in the “Data Analytics & Big Data” category.

oh22data AG

We continuously engage with technology professionals—IT service and operations professionals, DevOps and SecOps professionals, and database administrators (DBAs)—to understand the challenges they face in maintaining high-performing and highly available IT infrastructures, applications, and environments. The insights we gain from them, in places like our THWACK community, allow us to address customers’ needs now, and in the future. Our focus on the user and our commitment to excellence in end-to-end hybrid IT management have established SolarWinds as a worldwide leader in solutions for observability, IT service management, application performance, and database management. Learn more today at www.solarwinds.com.

Wir wissen genau, welcher Typ DBMS für Sie optimal ist
Wir sind Datenbankarchitekten und Performancespezialisten. Wir beraten, betreiben aber auch Hunderte von Datenbanken innerhalb unseres Managed Database Service, stellen eigene Datenbank-Performance-Lösungen her und vertreiben sie weltweit.

Devart is a trusted provider of database management and data connectivity solutions for streamlined complex data tasks and enhanced workflows.
With 140+ products tailored to the needs of leading companies and IT teams working with databases and actual data in software development, database development, administration, and analysis worldwide, we aim to boost productivity and automate every user’s daily routines.
The Devart dbForge tools for database design, development, testing, and analysis, enable comprehensive and cost-effective database management.
Our data connectivity solutions facilitate seamless access to data from various sources, supporting data analytics, management, migration, app development, and automation.
The Devart products cover most of the data-related use cases, come with flexible licensing, and feature strong security, regular updates, and continuous support.

DevOps and SecOps professionals, and database administrators (DBAs)—to understand the challenges they face in maintaining high-performing and highly available IT infrastructures, applications, and environments. The insights we gain from them, in places like our THWACK community, allow us to address customers’ needs now, and in the future. Our focus on the user and our commitment to excellence in end-to-end hybrid IT management have established SolarWinds as a worldwide leader in solutions for observability, IT service management, application performance, and database management. Learn more today at www.solarwinds.com.

Mainzer Datenfabrik GmbH
Was wir tun, tun wir gerne
Unser Team besteht aus erfahrenen und zertifizierten Expert:innen, die über umfangreiches Know-how im Bereich Microsoft SQL Server und Azure verfügen. Wir sind spezialisiert auf die Planung, Implementierung und Optimierung von SQL Server-Datenbanken sowie die Migration in die Azure-Cloud. Unser Ziel ist es, sicherzustellen, dass Datenbanken und Analyse-Plattformen reibungslos und effizient funktionieren, um individuellen Geschäftsanforderungen gerecht zu werden. Perfektion, Zuverlässigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit sind das Zentrum unserer Firmenphilosophie – sowohl in unserem Arbeiten als auch in den von uns ausgewählten und veröffentlichten Produkten.
Silver Partner

HMS Analytical Software GmbH
Seit mehr als drei Jahrzehnten sind wir ein vertrauenswürdiger Beratungs- und Umsetzungspartner für Data-Science- und Software-Engineering-Projekte in unterschiedlichsten Branchen. Unser Team aus über 150 Experten entwickelt individuelle Softwarelösungen, die sich durch Innovation, Skalierbarkeit und Sicherheit auszeichnen.
Als erfahrener Microsoft Partner helfen wir unseren Kunden, analytische Herausforderungen mithilfe maßgeschneiderter, zukunftssicherer Cloud-Architekturen und modernsten analytischen Ansätzen im Bereich künstliche Intelligenz und maschinellen Lernen zu meistern. Dafür kombinieren wir bewährte Verfahren mit den neuesten Technologien.
Kurz: Wir kennen uns bestens mit dem Aufbau von komplexen Azure Plattformen aus, aber auch die „alte On-Prem-Welt“ ist uns nicht fremd.
Vom experimentellen Ansatz bis zur produktionsreifen Anwendung – Wir unterstützen den gesamten Software-Lebenszyklus von Data & AI Plattformen.

Meet TimeXtender,
the Holistic Solution for Data Integration
TimeXtender provides all the features you need to build a future-proof data infrastructure capable of ingesting, transforming, modeling, and delivering clean, reliable data in the fastest, most efficient way possible – all within a single, low-code user interface.
You can’t optimize for everything all at once. That’s why we take a holistic approach to data integration that optimizes for agility, not fragmentation. By using metadata to unify each layer of the data stack and automate manual processes, TimeXtender empowers you to build data solutions 10x faster, while reducing your costs by 70%-80%.
TimeXtender is not the right tool for those who want to spend their time writing code and maintaining a complex stack of disconnected tools and systems.
However, TimeXtender is the right tool for those who simply want to get shit done.
From Frankenstack to Holistic Solution
Say goodbye to a pieced-together “Frankenstack” of disconnected tools and systems.
Say hello to a holistic solution for data integration that’s optimized for agility.
Data teams at top-performing organizations such as Komatsu, Colliers, and the Puerto Rican Government are already taking this new approach to data integration using TimeXtender.
How TimeXtender Empowers Each Member of Your Team:
- Data Engineers: TimeXtender empowers Data Engineers to build future-proof data infrastructure and robust data pipelines 10x faster, without having to integrate and maintain a complex stack of tools and systems.
- Data Scientists: TimeXtender frees Data Scientists from tedious, manual data preparation tasks so they can spend more of their time analyzing and leveraging data to drive business outcomes.
- BI Experts and Data Analysts: TimeXtender empowers BI experts and Data Analysts with a low-code solution for data transformation and modeling so they can spend more of their time creating impactful dashboards and reports that improve decision-making and performance.
- Data Consumers: TimeXtender empowers data consumers at every level of your organization with fast access to the data they need to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions.
A Proven Leader in Data Integration
TimeXtender offers a proven solution for organizations looking to build data solutions 10x faster, while maintaining the highest standards of quality, security, and governance.
- Experienced: Since 2006, we have been optimizing best practices and helping top-performing organizations, such as Komatsu, Colliers, and the Puerto Rican Government, build data solutions 10x faster than standard methods.
- Trusted: We have an unprecedented 95% retention rate with over 3,300 customers due to our commitment to simplicity, automation, and execution through our Xpeople, our powerful technology, and our strong community of over 190 partners in 95 countries.
- Proven: Our holistic approach has been proven to reduce build costs by up to 70% and maintenance costs by up to 80%. See how much you can save with our calculator here: timextender.com/calculator
- Responsive: When you choose TimeXtender, you can choose to have one of our hand-selected partners help you get set up quickly and develop a data strategy that maximizes results, with ongoing support from our Customer Success and Solution Specialist Teams.
- Committed: We provide an online academy, comprehensive certifications, and weekly blog articles to help your whole team stay ahead of the curve as you grow.

Wir sind ORAYLIS.
Und wir sind Datenpioniere. Unternehmen für ihre Daten zu begeistern, ist unsere Strategie. Sie auf den Weg zur Data Driven Company zu unterstützen, ist unsere Mission.
Als Datenexperten brennen wir dafür, den Innovationswillen von Unternehmen in die digitale Realität umzusetzen. Unsere Vision ist es, mit Daten eine Zukunft zu gestalten, in der wir alle leben und arbeiten wollen.
Mit der richtigen Datenstrategie und handwerklicher Präzision entwickeln wir zukunftsweisende Lösungen, um Unternehmen sicher durch den digitalen Wandel zu führen.
Agiles Vorgehen und partnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit auf Augenhöhe sehen wir dabei als Basis für eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung. So tragen wir dazu bei, dass Unternehmen gesund wachsen und auch künftig neue Werte schaffen – für ihr Geschäft, ihre Kunden und ihre Mitarbeiter.
turn your data into value.

Wir wissen genau,

adesso ist einer der führenden unabhängigen IT-Dienstleister konzentriert sich mit Beratung sowie individueller Softwareentwicklung auf die Kerngeschäftsprozesse von Unternehmen und öffentlichen Verwaltungen.


Partner Packages at a glance

Platinum Partner
15 sqm
8 conference tickets
Booth space with:
2 counter incl. logo branding
4 bar stools
sitting/lounge area
… and much more.

Gold Partner
10 sqm
4 conference tickets
Booth space with:
1 counter incl. logo branding
2 bar stools
sitting area
… and more.

Silver Partner
5 sqm
2 conference tickets
Booth space with:
1 counter incl. logo branding
2 bar stools
WLAN, power
… and more.

with logo branding
and business information
Candy Bar
Photo Booth
… and many more.